
ℹ️Website guide


Activity rank

The user's activity on the website is reflected in the color of the nickname:

  • yellow – standard color after registration,
  • orange – completed PB on each hill and at least 20 comments added to website,
  • red – completed TOP 10 jumps on each hill and minimum 50 comments.

Obtaining an orange or red nickname also allows you to organize open tournaments and disables ads on the website.

Achievement rank

User descriptive ranks are awarded depending on achievements in open tournaments (8 participants minimum) and hill rankings (mobile version or PC: website records) as described below:

  1. Newbie – new user without achievements,
  2. Junior – presence in the ranking of records of any hill (TOP 30),
  3. Pre-jumper – result in the TOP 20 ranking of any hill,
  4. Jumper – participation in competition and a result in the TOP 20 of the hill ranking,
  5. Team B – result in the TOP 10 classification of at least 1 competition and in the TOP 10 on 1 hill,
  6. Team A – result in TOP 5 in the competition and TOP 5 on 1 hill,
  7. Olympian – at least podium in 1 competition and on 1 hill,
  8. Master – winning the competition and having 1 hill record,
  9. Grandmaster – 5 competition wins and at least 2 hill records,
  10. Legend – 10 competition wins and at least 5 hill records.


Explanation of abbreviations and names you may encounter on the website:

  • PB – Personal Best, personal record, own best result on a given hill,
  • PBC – Personal Best Classic, personal record in classic style (without using the gibbon technique),
  • WR, UWR – World Record, Unofficial World Record – world record of a given hill; we mark records on our website as UWR because we are not the official website of the game,
  • WRC, UWRC – similarly as above, for the classic style,
  • EW, EZW – Edytor Wiatru (Wind Editor), Edytor Zmiennych Wiatrów (Changing/Variable Winds Editor) – a program that allows you to artificially set the wind in the game. EW usually refers to modern editors to set a constant wind useful in training, while EZW was a program whose use could not be recognized and which at the time contributed to the decline of the community,
  • seed – the time value that determines the initial wind setting in the game and its level of variability,
  • CPU – a player in the game controlled by the computer (bot).