
Hill records – PC version: after EZW

DSJ2 PC hill records in the era after the EZW. They are divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Jumps on the patch that was supposed to protect the game against the use of EZW. They come from the now defunct AdikAB's website, where tournaments were held on that version. Replays of these jumps are marked with a comment (the (i) icon in the hill ranking) and are possible to watch only with the patch (without it, the replay won't start).
  2. Results from the same period without the patch - some of the best players refused to play on the patch, fearing that it might interfere with the game too much.
  3. Current jumps, including records with using the method of quick obtaining the most changing winds by Andrzej M. (@grzywa). As the method uses information about specifics of the game's internals, it cannot be made public in its current form and only a few players use it to check capabilities of a hill. The described method is not exactly the same as setting the wind strength and direction in advance, as in the editor. Instead, it increases the chances of "hurricanes" due to obtaining the rapidly changing conditions.

Unfortunately, none of the above groups is fully verifiable in terms of false wind setting. It's possible that an update of the EZW bypassing the patch's protections has been released. Although nowadays EZW is probably no longer available (modern wind editors offer mostly 'stable' winds and don't allow you to save replays that would work properly without the editor enabled), other methods may exist.

We no longer maintain this ranking.

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